Please contact us by telephone or email if you have any questions or need additional information.

Helen B. Bloch
Attorney And Counselor At Law

155 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 715
Chicago, Illinois 60601

Tel: (312) 281-9931
Fax: (312) 281-9932


The Law Offices of Helen Bloch, P.C. (the Firm) assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or timeliness of any information provided on this website. This website has been prepared by the Firm for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide nor does it provide legal advice and in no way is it a substitute for legal counsel. The use of this website, including contacting us via this website, does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Your communication with us through this website is not privileged or confidential. Do not send confidential or time-sensitive information to us. We are free to use any documents or information you send to us in any form even if it damages you in some way unless you are our client. Any references contained in this website pertaining to various matters that have been handled by an attorney of the Firm do not constitute a warranty, prediction or guarantee regarding your situation.